Best Wishes From the Okanagan Irish Society

PEARSE WALSH, President of the Okanagan Irish Society.
President, Okanagan Irish Society
KELOWNA – We were saddened to learn that The Celtic Connection newspaper print edition is coming to an end.
Given the dramatic change in how people receive information today, it is inevitable really that this would eventually happen however it should in no way take away from its amazing success over many years.
It has been an invaluable means of communication for the Irish and Celtic communities here in B.C., in western Canada and in the Pacific Northwest United States.
The scope and depth of articles that were presented was outstanding and kudos many times over to Catholine, Maura, all the staff and volunteers.
You have done amazing work over many years and you are an inspiration to all of us in keeping us well informed in what was happening throughout the world on Irish matters.
Locally, you encouraged us in our endeavours to keep our Okanagan Irish Society community up and running.
Our mandate is to foster Irish culture among ourselves and to spread our joy of life, our music, our Irish wit and our culture to others and you were always willing to lend us a helping hand when needed.
One of our members wrote the following, “Personally, we loved to see The Celtic Connection in our mailbox. The paper stayed on our side table for weeks, and every now and then one of us would pick it up and again re-read what we had read before. We never tired of the pages and pages of interesting articles and personal notes in the newspaper.”
The print edition of The Celtic Connection will be sadly missed. We look forward to your new website and we’re excited for all of you that the end of the print edition is not the end.
We wish you every encouragement as you go forward with your new website and we wish you continued success and good health!.
Maura agus Catholine – go raibh mile maith agaib.