The Celtic Connection is a tabloid size newspaper, with international distribution, published 10 times a year from Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.
Submissions are welcome but will not be returned, so please keep a copy for yourself. Opinions expressed in the paper and on this site are not necessarily those of the publisher, but rather a reflection of voices in the community.
All correspondence must include a name, address, telephone number and email address when appropriate.
Celtic Connection Staff

Maura De Freitas
Maura De Freitas
Maura De Freitas is the managing editor and publisher of The Celtic Connection. She is responsible for all aspects of editing and production of the newspaper.
In 1991 Maura established the Vancouver-based publication which now serves over 35,000 Celts across Western Canada and the Northwestern United States.
The monthly newspaper has a strong focus on music, theater, movies and interviews, current events and Irish, English, Scottish and Welsh community news.
Together with Catholine Butler, Maura has worked tirelessly to help forge cultural alliances under the banner of The Celtic Connection newspaper.

Catholine Butler
Catholine Butler
Sales & Promotion Manager
Catholine Butler is a founding partner in The Celtic Connection and is responsible for all aspects of sales and promotions for the newspaper.
She is a familiar face to many in the Celtic world and widely recognized as one of the leading voices and one of the most influential people in Celtic communities across western North America.
In her monthly columns published for over 20 years in The Celtic Connection, Catholine has profiled countless individuals and interviewed a wide range of public figures giving voice to various Celtic communities and organizations.
Catholine has received numerous awards recognizing her work and contributions to help promote the highest aspirations of Irish, Scottish, Welsh, and English culture.
In the 1970s, she was instrumental in launching Molly Maguires, the first authentic Irish pub in Ottawa, Ontario. During this period she introduced some of the most renowned traditional Irish musicians to North America through her entertainment agency known as the Elaine McCay agency.
Catholine also has extensive experience hosting Irish radio and television shows on community stations in both Ottawa, Ontario and Calgary and Edmonton in Alberta.